Vacherins Mont-d’Or have this unique characteristic: very runny, especially at the end of the maturing process, they are encircled by a strip of spruce – the strap – from the time they are made until they are eaten. Handcrafted from Jura fir trees, the wooden straps transmit and blend the subtlety of their scents to the flavors of the cheese. For an absolutely unparalleled taste.
Produced within the framework of a strictly defined PDO, Vacherin Mont-d’Or gets its smoothness from the milk of cows fed on the herbs and flowers of the Vaud Jura. Produced exclusively between August and March with thermised milk, Vacherin Mont-d’Or develops unique and inimitable aromas and textures after its maturation.
For more than two centuries, men and women of this region have been preparing these delicious cow’s milk specialties, encircled with wood, every year and at the same time. In the cellars where the last phase of production takes place, there are now less than fifteen cheese producers and maturers, who perpetuate this tradition by making these cheeses for the pleasure of our tasting.
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